Sunday, August 13, 2006

Painless hair removal - that will be the day

Do you believe that one day we will have real Painless Permanent hair removal applications that will not expose our body to painful treatments or hazardous exposure to radiation? well that will be the day, and that day is not far away.

One of the companies that i am working with is called AppliSonix. They are developing an affordable next-generation personal devices that utilize an innovative ultrasonic technology to remove hair surfaces with a long lasting and painless effect. So yes that will be the day :-)

The following web posting was translated for your amusement

Q: "Hi .. I wanted to inquire on how men can remove hair from their back in the comfort of their home (ALONE)!!! and what Wax brand do you recommend or any other application.
A: "1. worm up the Wax brand of choice ... 2. spread a generous layer of wax on the wall at the relevant height ... 3. Stand with your back facing the wall and lean back .. 4. wait three minutes . 5 and run (ouch@#$$#) ... after a few sessions one can peal the carpet off the wall. "

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